Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I am giving away 150 free @H2Ocoin to everyone #H2OGiveaway #H2O

Since I got involved in Bitcoin the number of Altcoins has gone out of control. The vast majority of these are simply an exact copy or slight variation of the Bitcoin or Litecoin code. They do not add much in value, do not have a responsive and dedicated team of developers, and in general do not add much to the cryptocurrency community. There are some notable exceptions to this but I wont go into that in this post. In general a lot of resources go into developing, maintaining, supporting, trading, etc a new coin. A long time ago I began to wonder if there was a way to harness some of these resources and put them towards a charitable cause. Sometime later, I ended up meeting someone on twitter because we both would often tweet about Altcoin giveaways and faucets and are both passionate about spreading the understanding and use of cryptocurrencies. A few months later he had an idea about a cryptocurrency that could help people all over the world obtain clean drinking water. Eventually with a lot of work on his end, and help from others H2Ocoin was released. Here is what you need to know about H2Ocoin: 

One H2Ocoin is reffered to as a drop. There will be H2O drops in total (2 Billion coins). It is Scrypt Adaptive with -N factor Dark Gravity Wave. Pre-mine 2.5% for IPO shares and giveaway/bounty purposes. A percentage of all mining fees go to charity. It has already donated 17.5 BTC to help people in need get clean water!

So now that you know about the coin you are wondering how you can get some. I am giving away 150 Free H2Ocoin to anyone who tweets at me on twitter (@Bitcoin_Altcoin) with their H2O address and a reason why H2Ocoin is great! 

To find out more about H2Ocoin visit the sites below

H2O Official Web Site: http://www.h2ocoin.net/
Offical Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=494229.0
This Weeks Coin's site: http://thisweekscoin.com/
My twitter: https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Altcoin

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