Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Breaking Bitcoin News - Google payment team is working on incorporating Bitcoin!

User JasonBored just post on reddit  That he has been in contact with key people on the Google payment team who confirm that they are working on incorporating Bitcoin into their payment system. Apparently, after e-mailing a few people, the "Vice President of Payments" at Google wants JasonBored to facilitate a Google Moderator (found here) conversation regarding "What would I want Google to do with bitcoin?" Reddit users are commenting and have been asked to submit answers to the question. I urge my readers to go to the Google Moderator page and answer the question for yourself or "agree" with other helpful suggestions.  Also you may want to keep an eye on the original reddit post as this is breaking Bitcoin news.

Below are pictures of his user JansonBored 's email conversation with Google payment team members.

His initial e-mail

The initial responses -

Update - Now is reporting it! It is looking more and more like this is not a rumor but a reality!

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